meena fonseca

Meena Fonseca

My Story

My life is all about self-development, growth, and taking action. I am an independent and positive thinker and I love the challenge and change to ultimately achieve personal and professional success.

Due to unchecked objectives and the pressures of corporate culture, I was compelled to re-evaluate my entire life philosophy many years ago when I was stuck in terms of my profession.
Then I understood that we must be true to ourselves in order to overcome stress; otherwise, we create discord that affects us and finally saps the joy from our life.
In my own experience, I realized at one point that I wasn’t even aware of my true feelings on a variety of issues. So, in order to accomplish my personal objectives, I reviewed a few things.
You will eventually experience a strong sense of contentment in your life and the decisions you make, if you learn to say ‘no’ things that are harmful to your well-being and instead listen to your deepest thoughts.
We must set our own boundaries and not over-commit and over-push ourselves.
I had grown so accustomed to wanting to please others, especially those I cared about, that I found it difficult to say no or to convey my genuine emotions.
During this time of transition, I would occasionally consent to something that I would later regret or the other way around.
It was a reprogramming procedure for me to adhere to. That’s when I decided to embark on a journey to take up coaching as my profession.

Certifications and Training

  • Master NLP Practitioner (Dr. Richard Bandler’s Program)
  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) -International Coach Federation (ICF)
  • Certified Team Coach (Certified Coaches Alliance)
  • Six Sigma Green Belt Certification (KPMG)
  • Certification on Hypnotherapy (Indian Institute of Hypnotherapy India)


  • Master’s in Commerce (M.com)
  • Law Graduate (LLB)
  • MBA (Sponsored program by Goldman Sachs) -Indian School of Business (ISB)

Meena Fonseca

Certifications and Training

  • Master NLP Practitioner (Dr. Richard Bandler’s Program)
  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) -International Coach Federation (ICF)
  • Certified Team Coach (Certified Coaches Alliance)
  • Six Sigma Green Belt Certification (KPMG)
  • Certification on Hypnotherapy (Indian Institute of Hypnotherapy India)


  • Master’s in Commerce (M.com)
  • Law Graduate (LLB)
  • MBA (Sponsored program by Goldman Sachs) -Indian School of Business (ISB)

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