My Approach

My global coaching career spanning over a decade taught me a lot about business, leadership, success, and mindset. My knowledge is a blend of cognitive psychology, NLP techniques, business knowledge, and personal life experiences.

My global coaching career spanning over a decade taught me a lot about business, leadership, success, and mindset. My knowledge is a blend of cognitive psychology, NLP techniques, business knowledge, and personal life experiences.

Work towards new goals
Make SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will give you more clarity and easier to achieve. Some tips for new goals:
• Break down your goals so you know the outcome you need to achieve.
• Pen down your goals writing down your goals makes a big difference.
• Review your goals. Working towards it is a continuous process.
• Celebrate your goal achievement. Additionally, you should make sure to have realistic targets.
Up-level your skills
Upleveling your skills is a great way to improve your career prospects and achieve your goals.
• Some tips that can help you uplevel your skills:
• Set comprehensive goals and targets.
• Take online courses to upskill your area of learning
• Get good feedback from your mentors and find a good mentor.
• Take part in professional courses and get certifications.
• Participate in organizational training.
Change yourself for the best
Changing yourself to see a better version of yourself is a great goal to have. Some tips to achieve this:
  • Learn to love and accept yourself.
  • Let go of anger, fear, anxiety, and negativity.
  • Be grateful and optimistic for all that you have.
  • Embrace the changes and challenges.
  • Use your strengths and address your weaknesses.
  • Take care of yourself physically and emotionally.
Break free and leave the past behind
This can be a challenging but rewarding process. Remember to be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. Few tips that can help you achieve this:
  • Accept your past.
  • Acknowledge your understanding or lack thereof.
  • Don’t judge yourself always.
  • Ask yourself if you’re ready to let go.
  • Your past impacts who you are today.
  • Learn from the life lessons.
  • Seek professional support when you need it.

My personal motto is
“You chart your own success story”

That is why I design my programs to provide you with the impetus and space to reflect on, realign, and supercharge your strengths and vision.

Together, we will define your role and the work culture you wish to establish further.

I will give you a truthful, realtime feedback, challenge you when necessary, and correctly guide you so that you avoid mistakes and reach your goal sooner.

You will gain clarity and confidence, and if you follow through, you will achieve the desired success.
My sessions are focused, brief, challenging, and enjoyable.

I’ll show you how to overcome fear and gain confidence. You will find your answers, clarity, drive, and support to make things happen as a result of my astute questioning as a part of the Coaching journey.

You have a great potential! … but you will need to work towards it!

Yes, there will be a lot of homework! After all, we’re talking about your skills, your career, and your golden future.

You will be assigned tasks and asked to reflect on the work that we planned together. The outcomes will be faster if you assess and implement the proven strategies and insights shared.

I want to work with Meena, I am ready!


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